Fertilizer from Lignite (brown coal).
Our revolutionary method of obtaining liquid humic organomineral fertilizer from brown Lignite consists of preliminary grinding of hydrocarbon raw materials, followed by processing in our mini plant GRINBIO-1000.
The yield of free humic acids (for analytical state) was 87%
The essence of the method:
- Lignite is ground to powder.
- The powder is mixed with water.
- The resulting suspension is passed through the GRINBIO-1000 reactor, where it is exposed to a high-voltage pulse discharge.
- Under the influence of the discharge, various physicochemical processes occur in the suspension, including:
- Destruction of coal molecules: This leads to the formation of smaller particles and an increase in the available surface.
- Activation of water molecules: This leads to the formation of free radicals that can participate in chemical reactions.
- Formation of new chemical compounds: This can lead to the formation of compounds that can be useful for plants.
Advantages of using electrohydraulic discharge in GRINBIO-1000 treated Lignite as fertilizer:
- Improved Soil Fertility: EGR-treated lignite can contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements that are essential for plant growth.
- Improved Soil Structure: EGR-treated coal can help improve the soil structure, making it looser and more permeable.
- Promoted Plant Growth: EGR-treated coal can contain substances that stimulate plant growth.
- Reduced Need for Chemical Fertilizers: EGR-treated coal can be an alternative to chemical fertilizers that can pollute the environment.
- No potassium hydroxide is used to extract humic acids.
Humic fertilizers have a high content of humic acids and fulvic acids, and therefore have a complex effect on the soil, improving its physical, chemical and biological properties. They also perform a protective function, binding heavy metals, radionuclides and organic toxicants, preventing them from entering plants.
Humic fertilizers contribute to their more active growth and development. Treatment with humic fertilizers improves the development of the root system, fixing plants in the soil, increasing resistance to strong winds, washout as a result of heavy rainfall and erosion processes.
The development of the root system intensifies the absorption of moisture and oxygen by the plant, as well as soil nutrition. As a result of the use of humic fertilizer in the root system, the synthesis of amino acids, sugars, vitamins and organic acids is activated, the metabolism between the roots and the soil is enhanced. Organic acids secreted by the roots (carbonic, malic, etc.) actively affect the soil, increasing the availability of nutrients and microelements.
As is known, sources of humic substances are peat, soprapel, bottom silt, some types of hard and brown coal.
Brown coals contain from 4.5 to 50% of humic substances based on the organic mass of coal (OMC). It is believed that coals with a humic acid content of at least 30% per OMC are suitable for obtaining high-quality humic fertilizers from them.
The agrochemical value of coal depends on the organic composition of coal (humic and fulvic acids), as well as the nitrogen content. However, the original coal cannot be used as a fertilizer due to the low availability of organic matter.
Aqueous alkalis (potassium, sodium) are usually used as activators of the organic matter of coal, which extract humic substances in the form of water-soluble humates.
During the processing of brown coal, the main part of humic acids is knocked out of the coal, without using any chemicals.
Moreover, the minerals contained in brown coal, when exposed to the work of GRINBIO-1000, pass into an aqueous solution, thereby making the fertilizer so saturated that this type of fertilizer becomes highly effective for feeding any type of plants and crops!
The aim of the present work is to obtain a highly concentrated humic organomineral fertilizer from brown coal, without using any chemical components, but only the physical and chemical phenomena that are present during the electrohydraulic discharge reaction!
Minerals in Lignite
- Brown coal contains many minerals
in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
- The mineral content of brown coal can vary significantly depending on:
- Coal origin: The geological conditions in which coal formed affect its mineral composition.
- Burial conditions: The burial conditions of coal, such as the type of host rock and the influence of groundwater, can change its mineral composition.
- Metamorphic stages: The degree of metamorphism of coal also affects its mineral composition. More metamorphosed coals tend to contain less mineral content.
- Some of the more common minerals in brown coal are:
- Pyrite (FeS₂): The most common mineral in brown coal. It may be present as small crystals or veinlets.
- Marcasite (FeS₂): A polymorph of pyrite.
- Gypsum (CaSO₄ 2H₂O): Formed by weathering of pyrite and marcasite.
- Dolomite (CaMg(CO₃)₂): May be present as veinlets or lenses.
- Calcite (CaCO₃): May be present as veinlets or nodules.
- Siderite (FeCO₃): May be present in the form of nodules or veins.
- Clay minerals: Kaolinite, illite, smectite.
- Quartz (SiO₂): May be present in the form of small grains or veins.
- In addition to these minerals, brown coal contains:
- Iron (Fe): Occurs as pyrite, marcasite, siderite and other minerals.
- Aluminum (Al): Occurs as clay minerals.
- Calcium (Ca): Occurs as calcite, dolomite, and gypsum.
- Magnesium (Mg): Occurs as dolomite.
- Sulfur (S): Occurs as pyrite, marcasite, and gypsum.
- Phosphorus (P): Occurs as phosphate minerals.
- Potassium (K): Occurs as some clay minerals.
The mineral content of Lignite may be important for its use as a fertilizer!
History of the discovery of the method
Lev Aleksandrovich Yutkin was a Soviet physicist, the inventor of a method for transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy, which he called the electrohydraulic effect (EHE). He was born on August 5, 1911 in the city of Belozersk in the Vologda region. In 1936, he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. After graduating, he worked at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, where in 1950 he discovered the electrohydraulic effect.
Yutkin also worked on the application of the electrohydraulic effect in agriculture. He developed a method for producing fertilizers from coal using the EHE. This method involves crushing coal and mixing it with water, then passing the mixture through an electrohydraulic unit. As a result of this process, the coal disintegrates into small particles that contain humic substances. Humic substances are natural biostimulants of plant growth, so they help increase the yield of agricultural crops.
Yutkin published a number of works on the application of the electrohydraulic effect in agriculture. He participated in international conferences and symposia, where he presented reports on his research.
Lev Alexandrovich Yutkin died on October 5, 1980 in Tbilisi.
The method of obtaining fertilizers from coal using EGE is environmentally friendly and safe for the environment. It can be used to produce fertilizers both on an industrial scale and in small farms.
Research results
Our experiments over the last 3 years have shown additional results when mixing processed brown coal in our GRINBIO-1000 unit and Sapropel.
Thus, humic acids and minerals obtained not only from brown coal, but also from sapropel, made the organo-mineral fertilizer so effective that the results amazed even the most active agronomists!
The resulting fertilizers were applied to various types of agricultural crops. The fertilizer was tested for two seasons on the territory of agriculture near the city of Chernivtsi.
When applying brown coal organo-mineral fertilizer to the soil when growing rye, it was possible to obtain a yield increase of 28 c/ha. The fertilizer application rate was 30 c/ha.
When applying 30 c/ha of fertilizers when growing: – wheat, a yield increase of 33 centners per hectare was obtained,
– corn, an increase of 90 c/ha was obtained,
– barley, an increase of 29 c/ha was obtained.
Particular attention was paid to growing potatoes using this type of fertilizer. Before sowing, 50 c/ha of fertilizers were applied to the plowing, after which potatoes were planted.
The Nevsky potato variety yielded 500 c/ha, the yield increase was 290 c/ha.
For each centner of fertilizer applied to the soil, 5.5-5.7 c of potatoes were obtained.
The Lasunok potato variety yielded 850 c/ha, the yield increase was 590 c/ha.
For each centner of fertilizer applied to the soil, 11-12 c/ha of potatoes were obtained.
The Detskoselsky potato variety yielded 489 c/ha, the yield increase was 354 c/ha. For each centner of fertilizer applied to the soil, up to 7.3 c/ha of potatoes were obtained.
The method of obtaining fertilizers from coal using EGE is a promising direction in agriculture. It can help increase the yield of agricultural crops and improve their quality without the use of chemicals.
Charcoal fertilizer comes in two main types:
Humic fertilizers
They are made from brown coal, which contains a large amount of humic substances. Humic substances are natural biostimulants of plant growth. They improve the structure of the soil, increase its water permeability and moisture capacity, and also promote better absorption of mineral substances by plants.
Humic fertilizers can be used for all types of plants, both in open ground and in greenhouses. They are especially useful for plants grown on sandy or clay soils, as well as for plants experiencing stress due to drought, over-watering or other unfavorable factors.
Humic fertilizers
They are made from brown coal, which contains a large amount of humic substances. Humic substances are natural biostimulants of plant growth. They improve the structure of the soil, increase its water permeability and moisture capacity, and also promote better absorption of mineral substances by plants.
Humic fertilizers can be used for all types of plants, both in open ground and in greenhouses. They are especially useful for plants grown on sandy or clay soils, as well as for plants experiencing stress due to drought, over-watering or other unfavorable factors.
Advantages and disadvantages
- They are environmentally friendly fertilizers, as they are produced from a renewable source of raw materials.
- They are safe for the environment and humans.
- They have a long shelf life, as humic substances decompose slowly in the soil.
- They increase plant yields and improve their quality.
- They can be more expensive than traditional mineral fertilizers.
- They can be less effective on soils with high humus content.