Water, field soil, peat, manure, sewage sludge, poultry manure, lignite, sapropel, lignin, river or sea sludge, algae, crushed stone, granite, stone, solid minerals, sludge after treatment in biogas plants (not conductive of electricity) are fed into the unit, when automatically mixed they form a slurry with semi-conductive properties. This allows our device to effectively affect the molecules of raw materials by electrohydraulic shocks.
The GRINBIO-1000 mixes all components and prepares them for operation.
In the process of electrohydraulic discharge, the power is so great that mixing of all components takes place practically only due to the electrohydraulic discharge effect itself.
It is important to note that before mixing, the raw materials must be ground to a fraction of 1-5 mm. For this purpose we have an additional device for grinding and feeding the raw material directly into the reactor.
Electrohydraulic discharge transforms insoluble chemical compounds into soluble ones by creating in the discharge zone high pressure of more than 400000 atm, temperature of more than 10000 degrees and cavitation effects with the formation of hydrogen/oxygen bubbles that explode, thus helping to break up solid particles. This results in the formation of new nutrient molecules, activation of microorganisms and improved nutrient availability to plants