Chicken droppings: treasure from under your farm's wing
Not everyone knows that under the feet of chickens there is a real treasure – chicken manure.
Ordinary manure is a valuable fertilizer, but its uncontrolled use can harm the soil and plants.
There is a solution!
The GRINBIO-1000 mini-plant turns chicken manure into a new generation fertilizer using the electrohydraulic discharge (EGD) method.
EGD is:
Instant activation: Manure instantly becomes usable.
Explosive growth of quality: Micro-, macroelements are broken down and transferred into water, increasing the efficiency of fertilizer by tens of times.
Safety: EGR destroys pathogenic microorganisms, making manure safe for the soil.
Advantages of fertilizer from chicken manure GRINBIO-1000:
Environmentally friendly: 100% natural, no chemicals.
Economical: Concentrated, diluted with water 1:10.
Efficiency: Stimulates plant growth, increases yield.
Universality: Suitable for all types of soil and crops.
Availability: Affordable price with the highest quality.
Chicken manure: a valuable fertilizer with secrets
Chicken manure is not just poultry waste, but a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.
What are its advantages?
Composition: Chicken manure contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur and other microelements necessary for the complete nutrition of plants.
Efficiency: When used correctly, chicken manure increases soil fertility, stimulates plant growth, and increases their resistance to diseases and pests.
Availability: Chicken manure is an affordable and economical fertilizer that can be easily found on farms or purchased in specialized stores.
Environmentally friendly: Using chicken manure is an environmentally friendly way to improve soil fertility, as it does not contain chemicals.
How to use chicken manure?
Fresh chicken manure cannot be used immediately, as it can burn the roots of plants. It must be composted for 6-12 months to neutralize harmful substances and make it available for absorption by plants.
There are several ways to compost chicken manure:
In a compost heap: Mix chicken manure with straw, leaves, grass clippings or other organic materials. Water the compost heap regularly and stir it to provide air access.
In a barrel: Fill the barrel 1/3 full with chicken manure, then fill it to the top with water. Cover the barrel with a lid and leave it in a warm place for several months. Stir the contents of the barrel periodically.
Ready chicken manure compost can be used as a base fertilizer when digging up the soil in spring or autumn.
You can also use chicken manure infusion to feed plants.
To prepare the infusion:
Pour 1 part chicken manure compost with 10 parts water.
Leave for several days, stirring occasionally.
Strain the infusion before use.
Chicken manure infusion can be used for watering or spraying plants.
Do not use fresh chicken manure to feed plants.
Do not add chicken manure to the soil in large quantities, as this can lead to the accumulation of nitrates.
Do not use chicken manure to fertilize crops intended for fresh consumption (salads, greens).
When used correctly, chicken manure will become a valuable assistant in your garden and vegetable garden.
Remember: A healthy harvest begins with fertile soil!