Fertilizer Sapropel

Home Fertilizer Sapropel

Sapropel as a highly effective fertilizer


Sapropel: “dirty” treasure from the depths of reservoirs

Behind the unpleasant name “sapropel”, which in Greek means “dirt” or “rotten silt”, there is a real treasure.

This substance, which forms at the bottom of reservoirs, has amazing properties and is widely used in various fields.

Gifts from the depths:

  • Mud therapy: Sapropel is used in balneology to treat various diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases and many others.
  • Production: Technical oils, methyl alcohol, insulating and other oils are obtained from sapropel materials.
  • Fertilizer: Sapropel is a valuable organic fertilizer that improves the structure of the soil, increases its fertility and stimulates plant growth.

The secret of its effectiveness:

  • Sorption properties: Sapropel has sorption properties due to the bacteria it contains, which tirelessly “work” to purify it even in oxygen-free dirty water.
  • Rich composition: Depending on the type of sapropel, the concentration of useful substances in it may vary. There are mineral (85%), mineral-organic (50-70%), organic (30%) and organo-mineral (50%) types. The first two types are gray, the second two are black.

Sapropel is not just “dirt”, but a gift of nature that can bring many benefits to people.

Explore its potential, use it wisely, and it will generously reward you with its treasures!

Beneficial properties and advantages of sapropel

The use of sapropel in beds effectively and very quickly enriches the soil, making it as useful as possible for the growth and proper development of cultivated plants, and this is the main advantage that distinguishes this fertilizer. Thanks to beneficial bacteria, even depleted soil turns into fertile soil with good microflora.

Other advantages:

  • environmental safety, no contraindications for use;
  • increased yield of garden crops, increased flowering period of ornamental plantings;
  • favorable effect on the root system, which is especially important for seedlings.

In addition to the unconditional benefit for grown crops, the use of sapropel allows you to fight harmful bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. The soil structure becomes loose, even if it is clay and loam. The soil retains moisture better, and the percentage of humus in it increases. Any land can be restored within 2-6 years.

What is included in sapropel

The components included in the fertilizer vary depending on where and how the substance was formed. However, the basic composition always includes three components: organic, biologically active and mineral. Depending on their proportional content, there are four types of sapropel:

  1. Carbonate.
  2. Siliceous.
  3. Iron.
  4. Organic.

The latter is of greatest interest to agriculture. It contains ash in a volume of no more than 30%.

The organic part is represented by the remains of zooplankton and aquatic plants, benthos at different stages of decomposition of humic substances, biopolymers. The biologically active part is the products of the vital activity of microorganisms – vitamins, amino acids, alcohols, enzymes, hormone-like substances, antibiotics. The mineral part of sapropel is represented by calcium and silicon oxides and a huge number of microelements (half of the periodic table).

Fertilizer Sapropel 1:10

New generation sapropel: activation, grinding and maximum benefit

Sapropel processed in the GRINBIO-1000 unit is not just a fertilizer, but the concentrated power of nature, ready for instant and effective action.

What is unique about our technology?

  • Instant activation and grinding: Sapropel is ground to a state of colloidal particles, which increases its efficiency by 10 times compared to regular sapropel.
  • Economical: For processing, we use 1:10 dilution, obtaining liquid fertilizer with maximum concentration of useful substances.
  • Complete splitting of minerals: All macro- and microelements contained in sapropel split and pass into an aqueous suspension, ready for instant absorption by plants.
  • Safety for the soil: Electrohydraulic discharge in the GRINBIO-1000 unit destroys almost all bacteria and fungithat can harm the soil.
  • Stimulation of nitrogen fixation: Elimination of harmful microorganisms creates ideal conditions for the development of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which increase the nitrogen content of the fertilizer by more than 100 times in 14 days.


  • A unique fertilizer with maximum concentration of nutrients.
  • Instant and effective action on plants.
  • Safe for the soil and stimulation of its fertility.
  • Economical solution for feeding your crops.

GRINBIO-1000 is the future of sapropel!

Take a step towards the harvest of the future – choose a new generation fertilizer!

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