HomeBio-fertilizersChicken Humate Extract

Chicken Humate Extract

150,00 120000,00 

Not everyone knows that under the feet of chickens there is a real treasure – chicken droppings.

Ordinary droppings are a valuable fertilizer, but its uncontrolled use can harm the soil and plants.
There is a solution!
The GRINBIO-1000 mini-plant turns chicken manure into a new generation fertilizer using the electrohydraulic discharge (EHD) method.
EHD is:

  1. Instant activation: The manure instantly becomes suitable for use.
  2. Explosive growth in quality: Micro- and macroelements are broken down and transferred to water, increasing the efficiency of the fertilizer by tens of times.
  3. Safety: EHD destroys pathogenic microorganisms, making the manure safe for the soil.

Chicken manure is not just poultry waste, but a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.

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Not everyone knows that under the feet of chickens there is a real treasure – chicken droppings.

Ordinary droppings are a valuable fertilizer, but its uncontrolled use can harm the soil and plants.
There is a solution!
The GRINBIO-1000 plant turns chicken manure into a new generation fertilizer using the electrohydraulic discharge (EHD) method.
EHD is:

  1. Instant activation: The manure instantly becomes suitable for use.
  2. Explosive growth in quality: Micro- and macroelements are broken down and transferred to water, increasing the efficiency of the fertilizer by tens of times.
  3. Safety: EHD destroys pathogenic microorganisms, making the manure safe for the soil.

Chicken manure is not just poultry waste, but a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Organic Fertilizer
Conforms to Reg. (EU) 2019/1009
Approved for organic farming as per Reg. (EU) 2018/848 and 2021/1165, and NOP regulation.

Why Choose Chicken Extract Ultra?

What are humic and fulvic acids?

Humic substances are the main organic components of the soil, formed during the decomposition of plant residues under the influence of microorganisms, pressure and temperature. They are a product of the natural geological process of humification, which lasted for millions of years. The main raw materials for humic acids are ancient organic plants, algae and the remains of fruits and vegetables.

The process of formation of humic substances is second only to photosynthesis in its importance, being the second largest transformation of organic matter in nature.

Combination of humic and fulvic acids: a powerful alliance for plants and soil

The complex of humic and fulvic acids has exceptional bioavailability and is a highly effective means for improving the soil and plant nutrition. These substances contain a wide range of mineral salts, amino acids, trace elements and organic compounds, such as:

  • Natural polysaccharides, peptides.
  • Up to 20 amino acids, including alanine, methionine, phenylalanine.
  • Vitamins (A, E, group B).
  • Fatty acids, sterols, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins and ketones.

In total, humic substances contain more than 70 useful components, including trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, molybdenum, selenium and many others.

The role of humic acids in nature

Humic acids have a complex structure, including side chains and heterocycles. They are natural detoxifiers, adaptogens and play a key role in:

  • Retaining nutrients in the soil.
  • Decomposing organic matter.
  • Improving soil structure and its water-holding capacity.

Fulvic acids, due to their lower molecular weight, penetrate deeper into the soil and plants, providing them with quick access to nutrients.

Humic Substance Extraction Methods

Most manufacturers use alkaline extraction, converting humic acids into water-soluble salts (potassium or sodium humates). However, this method is chemical and can have a negative impact on the soil and plants.

In contrast, the GrinBio-1000 equipment extracts humic and fulvic acids using a unique electrohydraulic effect technology. This process:

  • Replicates natural processes.
  • Excludes the use of chemical reagents.
  • Ensures the environmental friendliness and safety of the product.

Use of humic and fulvic acids

Humic and fulvic acids are actively used for:

  1. Agriculture:
    • Increasing crop yields.
    • Improving soil structure.
    • Accelerating plant growth.
  2. Soil reclamation:
    • Restoration of degraded lands.
  3. Organic farming:
    • Fertilizer for organic products.

Humic substances extracted with GrinBio equipment are a safe, organic and highly effective solution for agriculture and soil restoration.

Grinbio "Chicken Extract Ultra" is a unique organic fertilizer created from high-quality chicken manure collected on private small farms, which includes:

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Humic and Fulvic Acids are natural organic substances that play a key role in improving the soil, plant nutrition and maintaining the ecological balance.

Our GrinBio-1000 equipment uses a unique electrohydraulic technology (EG), which allows:

  1. Instant activation: In just 14 days, the manure becomes suitable for use.
  2. Explosive growth in quality: Micro- and macroelements break down and pass into water, increasing the effectiveness of the fertilizer by tens of times.
  3. Safety: EGR destroys pathogenic microorganisms, making the manure safe for the soil.
  4. Preserve maximum activity of microorganisms: The product remains completely natural and active, which makes it safe and effective.

Chicken Extract Ultra contains a highly effective complex of nutrients, including:


Component Content (%) Description
Humic acids 3–5 The main component, responsible for improving the soil structure and moisture retention.
Fulvic acids 2–3 Accelerate the penetration of nutrients into plants, enhance their growth.
Nitrogen (N) 2.5–3.5 Stimulates the growth of green mass of plants.
Phosphorus (P) 2.3–2.7 Strengthens the root system, promotes flowering and fruiting.
Potassium (K) 3.0–3.5 Increases plant resistance to stress and diseases.
Calcium (Ca) 0.5–0.8 Improves soil quality, helps strengthen cell walls plants.
Magnesium (Mg) 0.3–0.5 Participates in photosynthesis, improves plant health.
Iron (Fe) 0.5–0.8 Important for chlorophyll synthesis and respiratory processes.
Manganese (Mn) 0.02–0.05 Promotes enzymatic activity of plants.
Zinc (Zn) 0.02–0.04 Participates in plant metabolism, increases resistance to diseases.
Copper (Cu) 0.05–0.1 Strengthens plant immunity, prevents fungal infections.
Boron (B) 0.05–0.1 Promotes flowering and development of ovaries.
Sulfur (S) 0.1–0.2 Participates in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes.
Organic matter 50–60 Total organic matter that improves the biological activity of the soil.
pH 6.5–7.5 Optimal for most plants.


  1. Content may vary depending on the quality of the raw material.
  2. Additional elements (e.g. molybdenum, cobalt, selenium) may be present in minimal concentrations, which also increases the value of the fertilizer.
  3. Water solubility: The fertilizer is completely soluble in water, ensuring uniform application of nutrients.

Chicken Extract Ultra is your choice for organic farming and soil fertility conservation. The combination of natural processes and modern technology makes it the ideal solution for environmentally friendly farming.

Innovative solution from GrinBio-1000

Despite the fact that chicken manure contains a huge number of microorganisms and bacteria, after processing at our plant, natural disinfection occurs with the destruction of almost all pathogenic organisms, therefore, after processing chicken manure at our plant using the GrinBio-1000 technology, we enrich it with a complex of beneficial microorganisms, including phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, fungi of the genus Trichoderma, as well as bioactive enzymes. This combination enhances the quality of the fertilizer, making it as effective and universal as possible for use on any type of plant.

Our technology allows us to unlock the full potential of chicken manure without harming the environment or the plants themselves, transforming it into a highly active fertilizer. Fresh manure instantly becomes suitable for use with all the necessary elements for plant nutrition.

These unique properties put our fertilizer in a leading position in the organic product category, providing:

Accelerated development of the root system.

Increased plant resistance to stress.

Efficient use of natural resources to obtain a high yield.

GrinBio is not just a fertilizer, but a step towards an environmentally friendly and productive future!

Beneficial microorganisms and their role in improving the soil:

Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria

These microorganisms convert difficult-to-digest forms of phosphorus present in the soil into available compounds. They provide the root system of plants with the necessary phosphorus, which contributes to the development and strengthening of plants.

Fungi of the genus Trichoderma spp play a key role in the decomposition of organic matter, converting it into plant-available nutrients. They also actively suppress soil pathogens, creating a protective barrier for the root system and promoting healthy plant growth.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria These bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen (N₂), converting it into biologically available forms such as ammonium (NH₄⁺). This increases the availability of nitrogen in the soil, minimizing the need for synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.

Bioactive enzymes Enzymes produced by microorganisms actively participate in the decomposition of organic matter, accelerating mineralization and releasing nutrients. This increases soil fertility and improves its structure.

The use of these microorganisms in agricultural technology contributes to a significant increase in soil fertility, improvement of its health and creation of favorable conditions for plant growth.

Physicochemical properties:

Appearance: Dark brown viscous liquid.

pH: 6.5–7.5.

Density: 1.10–1.15 g/ml.

Solubility: Completely soluble in water.

Cation exchange capacity (CEC): 80–100 meq/100 g.

Advantages of liquid chicken manure fertilizerGrinBio

Our liquid chicken manure fertilizer, produced using innovative GrinBio technology, has many unique advantages that make it indispensable for agriculture, gardening and ornamental plant growing. Here is a complete list of its advantages:

1. High concentration of nutrients

  • Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K): Balanced content of essential nutrients promotes active plant growth, strengthened roots and increased yield.
  • Microelements: Contains calcium, magnesium, iron, boron, copper, zinc and other elements important for plant growth.

2. Unique production technology

  • EG technology: The use of electromagnetic pulses and ozonation allows:
    • Maximum preservation of the beneficial properties of chicken manure.
    • Exclude pathogenic microorganisms and unpleasant odors.
    • Increase the bioavailability of nutrients for plants.
  • No chemical reagents: Unlike other manufacturers, we do not use potassium hydroxide (KOH) and other alkaline substances. The fertilizer is produced completely organically, imitating natural processes.

3. Instant action

  • The fertilizer is quickly absorbed by the soil and plants, providing:
    • Immediate replenishment of nutrient deficiencies.
    • Accelerated growth and development of plants even under stressful conditions.

4. Improving the soil structure

  • Humic and fulvic acids in the composition:
    • Restore soil fertility.
    • Make the soil loose, capable of retaining moisture and air.
    • Promote the development of beneficial microflora.

5. Environmentally friendly

  • Environmentally friendly product: The completely natural composition is safe for humans, animals and the ecosystem.
  • Reduced use of chemicals: The fertilizer replaces or reduces the use of mineral fertilizers, protecting the soil from salinization and degradation.

6. Strengthening plant health

  • Stress resistance: Improves plant immunity, helping them cope with drought, cold, diseases and pests.
  • Reduced incidence of diseases: Due to the rich organic composition, the fertilizer reduces the need for pesticides and fungicides.

7. Versatility

  • Suitable for all types of crops:
    • Vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage).
    • Grains (wheat, corn, rice).
    • Fruit and berry (apple, grapes, strawberries).
    • Flower and ornamental plants.
  • Methods of application:
    • Root feeding.
    • Foliar treatment.
    • Soaking seeds and seedlings.

8. Cost-effectiveness

  • Increased yield: Yield increase of up to 30–50% allows to reduce costs on sowing areas.
  • Reduced fertilizer costs: Due to high concentration and efficiency, less fertilizer is required.
  • Compatibility with other preparations: Excellent compatibility with pesticides, herbicides and other products in tank mixtures.

9. Ease of use

  • Easily soluble in water.
  • Suitable for drip irrigation, spray systems and manual watering.
  • Does not clog nozzles and water supply systems due to fine filtration.

10. Extended shelf life

  • The fertilizer is stabilized by natural microorganisms, which allows it to maintain its activity and beneficial properties for a long time.

11. Increasing crop quality

  • Larger and juicier fruits: Improves the size, weight and taste of fruits, vegetables and berries.
  • Product durability: The harvest retains its marketable appearance and freshness longer during storage and transportation.

12. Supporting sustainable farming

  • Using chicken manure waste to produce fertilizer helps solve environmental problems and minimizes agricultural waste.
  • The product promotes organic farming and maintains soil biodiversity.


Liquid fertilizer from chicken manure from GrinBio is not just a fertilizer, but a universal solution for increasing crop yields, improving soil health and protecting plants. Thanks to our innovative approach, you get a product that not only improves your farm's performance, but also preserves the environment for future generations.

GrinBio: a natural solution for high yields!

Dosages of humate «Chicken Extract Ultra»

Culture / Purpose Application
Drip irrigation • 10 ml/1 l of water
For seedlings and saplings • Seedling watering 10 ml/1 l of water
Field crops Apply 3 times during the vegetation stage
• Foliar spraying 10 l/300 l of water
Vegetable crops Apply 2-4 times during the vegetation stage
• Root pouring 20 ml/1 l of water
*1-5 liters of working solution per plant
• Foliar spraying 40 ml/5 l of water/100 m2
*20 l/500 l of water/1 ha
Fruit and berry Apply 2-4 times during the vegetation stage
• Root pouring 20 ml/1 l water
*1-5 liters of working solution per plant
• Foliar spraying 20 ml/5 l of water/100 m2
*20 l/500 l of water/1 ha
Fruit trees Apply 2-4 times during the vegetation stage
• Root pouring 20 ml/1 l of water
*1-5 liters of working solution per plant
• Foliar spraying 20 ml/5 l of water/100 m2
*10 l/500 l of water/1 ha
Indoor and outdoor flowers Apply during the vegetation stage, every 14-21 days
• Pouring under the root 5 ml/1 l of water
*1-2 liters of working solution per plant
• Spraying on the leaves 40 ml/5 l of water/100 m2
Ornamental plants Apply during the season, every 14-21 days
• Pouring under the root 20 ml/1 l of water
*5-10 liters of working solution per plant
• Spraying on the leaves 40 ml/8 l of water/100 m2
*8 l/800 l of water/1 ha
Lawn Apply during the season, every 14-21 days
• Pouring under the area 10 ml/1 l of water/m2
• Spraying over the area 50 ml/5 l of water/100 m2


Scientific articles and reports

Humic & Fulvic Acids: The Black Gold of Agriculture?

Humic Acids Technical Evaluation Report USDA National Organic Program

„Effect of Biostimulant CYT14 Standard Foliar Application Rate“ by Dr. Yasser Dergham

„The Humus Cycle“ by Dr. William Jackson

Humates and Humic Acids. How do they work? by Dr. Boris Levinsky

„Definition of soil organic matter“ by Jerzy Weber

„Humus still a Mystery“ by Paul Sachs

„Research Regarding Arkansas Lignite and Its Possible Use As a Soil Amendment“ by Dr. Stephen W. Kline and Dr. Charles E. Wilson, Jr.

„A review of humus and humic acids“ by T. L. Senn and R. Kingman

„Effects of Biostimulators on Growth and Physiological Reactions of Vegetables“ by Dr. agr. Yaroslav Shevchenko

„Response of Growth and Yield of Ocimum Basilicum with Application of Humic Acid“ by Ameri, A., Aminifard, M. H., Fatemi, H., Aroiee, H.

„Iron Supply of Cucumbers in Substrate Culture with Humate“ by Boehme, M.; Shevtschenko, J.; Pinker, I.

„How Humic Substances Help Turfgrass Grow“ by Schmidt, R. E. PhD; Zhang, Xunzhong PhD.

„Evaluation of the Performance of Humic Acid Products in Turfgrass Management“ by Carey, K; Gunn, E.

„Influence of Humic Acid on Kentucky Bluegrass Establishment“ by Van Dyke, Adam

„Humic Substances Influence Creeping Bentgrass Growth“ by Liu, Chunhua PhD; Cooper, Richard J. PhD.

„Answers to Some Questions Golf Course Superintendents Have Concerning the Use of Biostimulant“ by Schmidt, Prof. em. R. E.; Ervin, E. H.

„Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Turfgrass Growth, Antioxidant Status and Drought Tolerance“ by Xunzhong Zhang

Investigation of the Complexation and the Migration of Actinides and Non-radioactive Substances with Humic Acids under Qeogenic Conditions by Susanne Sachs, Katja Schmeide, Vinzenz Brendler, Adela Kfepelovä, Jens Mibus, Gerhard Geipel, Karl-Heinz Heise, Gert Bernhard„Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Turfgrass Growth, Antioxidant Status and Drought Tolerance“ by Xunzhong Zhang

Lignite as humus supplier F.H. Kortmann and E. Petzold

Articles and Reports were downloaded from free Internet sources, as well as from site

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Weight N/A

1L, 10L, 20L, 1000L


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Humic & Fulvic Acids: The Black Gold of Agriculture?

Humic Acids Technical Evaluation Report USDA National Organic Program

„Effect of Biostimulant CYT14 Standard Foliar Application Rate“ by Dr. Yasser Dergham

„The Humus Cycle“ by Dr. William Jackson

Humates and Humic Acids. How do they work? by Dr. Boris Levinsky

„Definition of soil organic matter“ by Jerzy Weber

„Humus still a Mystery“ by Paul Sachs

„Research Regarding Arkansas Lignite and Its Possible Use As a Soil Amendment“ by Dr. Stephen W. Kline and Dr. Charles E. Wilson, Jr.

„A review of humus and humic acids“ by T. L. Senn and R. Kingman

„Effects of Biostimulators on Growth and Physiological Reactions of Vegetables“ by Dr. agr. Yaroslav Shevchenko

„Response of Growth and Yield of Ocimum Basilicum with Application of Humic Acid“ by Ameri, A., Aminifard, M. H., Fatemi, H., Aroiee, H.

„Iron Supply of Cucumbers in Substrate Culture with Humate“ by Boehme, M.; Shevtschenko, J.; Pinker, I.

„How Humic Substances Help Turfgrass Grow“ by Schmidt, R. E. PhD; Zhang, Xunzhong PhD.

„Evaluation of the Performance of Humic Acid Products in Turfgrass Management“ by Carey, K; Gunn, E.

„Influence of Humic Acid on Kentucky Bluegrass Establishment“ by Van Dyke, Adam

„Humic Substances Influence Creeping Bentgrass Growth“ by Liu, Chunhua PhD; Cooper, Richard J. PhD.

„Answers to Some Questions Golf Course Superintendents Have Concerning the Use of Biostimulant“ by Schmidt, Prof. em. R. E.; Ervin, E. H.

„Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Turfgrass Growth, Antioxidant Status and Drought Tolerance“ by Xunzhong Zhang

Investigation of the Complexation and the Migration of Actinides and Non-radioactive Substances with Humic Acids under Qeogenic Conditions by Susanne Sachs, Katja Schmeide, Vinzenz Brendler, Adela Kfepelovä, Jens Mibus, Gerhard Geipel, Karl-Heinz Heise, Gert Bernhard„Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Turfgrass Growth, Antioxidant Status and Drought Tolerance“ by Xunzhong Zhang

Lignite as humus supplier F.H. Kortmann and E. Petzold

Articles and Reports were downloaded from free Internet sources, as well as from site

Quick Comparison

Chicken Humate Extract removeLeonardite Paste Fulvic and Humic Acide removeHumate Power 5+ Ultra removeFulvic and Humic Acide removeLeonardite Humate Extract removeHumate VermiExtract Ultra remove
NameChicken Humate Extract removeLeonardite Paste Fulvic and Humic Acide removeHumate Power 5+ Ultra removeFulvic and Humic Acide removeLeonardite Humate Extract removeHumate VermiExtract Ultra remove
Price150,00 120000,00 150,00 110000,00 250,00 180000,00 380,00 250000,00 220,00 130000,00 120,00 100000,00 

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Weight N/A

1L, 10L, 20L, 1000L

Weight N/A

1л, 10л, 20л, 1000л


1L, 10L, 20L, 1000L


1L, 10L, 20L, 1000L


1L, 10L, 20L, 1000L


1L, 10L, 20L, 1000L


Not everyone knows that under the feet of chickens there is a real treasure - chicken droppings.

Ordinary droppings are a valuable fertilizer, but its uncontrolled use can harm the soil and plants. There is a solution! The GRINBIO-1000 mini-plant turns chicken manure into a new generation fertilizer using the electrohydraulic discharge (EHD) method. EHD is:
  1. Instant activation: The manure instantly becomes suitable for use.
  2. Explosive growth in quality: Micro- and macroelements are broken down and transferred to water, increasing the efficiency of the fertilizer by tens of times.
  3. Safety: EHD destroys pathogenic microorganisms, making the manure safe for the soil.
Chicken manure is not just poultry waste, but a valuable organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Leonardite Past Fulvic & Humic Acide – eco-fertilizer from leonardite. Enriches soil with humus, boosts yield & growth. For all crops!

Humate Power 5+ eco-fertilizer from peat, leonardite, vermihumus, chicken manure, and black soil. Enhances soil fertility and greatly boosts crop yields!
Leonardite Extract Ultra is produced using our exclusive GrinBio-1000 technology, based on electromagnetic-electrohydraulic impulses similar to natural lightning. This technology allows the minerals in the water to be broken down, releasing nutrients and facilitating their combination with other molecules. As a result, new compounds are formed that are extremely beneficial for plants, making nutrients instantly available to the root system. In addition, our innovative technology eliminates the use of extractants such as KOH, which guarantees a completely organic and natural product. We have managed to fully unleash the potential of leonardite, achieving exceptional results without the use of chemicals! Thanks to this advanced system, the macro- and microelements of Leonardite Extract Ultra become easily absorbed, which accelerates the growth and development of plants, increasing their productivity and efficiency.100% organic natural fertilizer from Californian worm castings Our vermicompost fertilizer is the result of a combination of nature and innovation, created using the unique EG-GrinBio-1000 technology, developed to convert earthworm castings into the highest quality fertilizer. It is a 100% natural product that is ideal for soil restoration and increasing crop yields. Caprolites are the waste products of earthworms, glued together by organic compounds so strong that their decomposition in natural conditions takes years. However, our technology allows instantly converting caprolites into water-soluble compounds enriched with humus, micro- and macroelements.
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