Home Humates and soil healthHumus accumulation for climate protection

Humus accumulation for climate protection

By admin February 10, 2025

In the context of global climate change, which is already being felt in temperate latitudes, humus is becoming a key element in the discussion of measures to mitigate these changes. Humus is one of those natural substances that is associated with extremely positive properties, especially in the context of ecology and agriculture.

But what is humus from a scientific point of view?

What is humus?

According to soil science textbooks, humus is a set of organic substances in the soil that are formed as a result of the decomposition of plant and animal remains. Some scientists limit this concept only to humic substances, while others include other organic components. Humus mixes with the mineral part of the soil and, together with litter (organic remains on the soil surface), forms the basis of fertility.

Humus can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Nutrient humus is an organic biomass consisting of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and lignins. It is easily decomposed by microorganisms, releasing nutrients for plants.
  2. Permanent humus is a high-molecular humic substance that is resistant to biological degradation. It forms stable complexes with the mineral part of the soil, which slows down its decomposition and promotes the accumulation of organic carbon in the soil.

The role of humus in climate protection

Humus plays an important role in reducing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions into the atmosphere. When nutrient humus is converted into permanent humus, the decomposition process slows down, which reduces the release of CO₂. This is especially important for agriculture, where soils often lose organic matter due to intensive farming.

In addition, humus performs the following functions:

  • Water and nutrient retention: Humic substances act like a sponge, retaining moisture and nutrients, which is especially important in dry conditions.
  • Soil detoxification: Humus binds heavy metals and pesticide residues, preventing them from reaching plants and groundwater.
  • Increasing fertilizer efficiency: Humic substances improve the availability of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium to plants, and mobilize micronutrients such as iron, zinc and copper.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Humus reduces the release of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide from organic fertilizers such as slurry, and prevents groundwater pollution with nitrates.

Humus and stress resistance

Humic substances help plants cope with abiotic stresses such as:

  • Drought and heat: Humus improves the water-holding capacity of the soil, which is especially important in conditions of water deficiency.
  • Salinization: Humic acids reduce the concentration of salts in the soil, reducing the osmotic pressure on plants.
  • Cold and frost: Humus increases the resistance of plants to low temperatures.
  • Excess moisture: Improves soil aeration, preventing root rot.

Leonardite as a source of humic substances

Humic substances have been formed in nature for a long time, and their synthesis under industrial conditions is not yet possible. However, natural sources such as leonardite are rich reserves of humic acids. Leonardite is a fossilized organic deposit that contains high concentrations of humic and fulvic acids. Due to its resistance to decomposition, leonardite is ideal for use as a permanent humus.

Application of humic substances in agriculture

Humic and fulvic acids extracted from leonardite are widely used as biostimulants. They increase plant resistance to stress, improve nutrient absorption and promote crop yields. For example:

  • Reduction of salinization: Humic acids bind salts, reducing their negative impact on plants.
  • Mobilization of phosphorus: Humic substances make phosphorus more available to plants, which is especially important in soils with low levels of this element.
  • Improving soil structure: Humus helps to form stable soil aggregates, improving aeration and water permeability.

GRINBIO’s contribution to sustainable agriculture

GRINBIO develops and manufactures innovative products based on humic and fulvic acids obtained from leonardite. Our solutions help farmers:

Increase crop yields even in difficult climatic conditions.

Improve soil quality and its resistance to degradation.

Reduce environmental impact by minimizing the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Our products:

  1. Humic fertilizers: Improve soil structure and increase nutrient availability.
  2. Fulvic fertilizers: Stimulate root growth and enhance micronutrient absorption.
  3. Complex biostimulants: Combine humic and fulvic acids for maximum efficiency.
  4. Ecological solutions: Restore soil fertility and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Humus is not only the basis of soil fertility, but also an important tool in the fight against climate change. The use of humic substances, such as leonardite-based products from GRINBIO, allows you to increase the resilience of agriculture to climate stress, improve soil quality and reduce the environmental burden. By choosing our solutions, you are taking a step towards a sustainable and productive future!

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