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Application of organic fertilizers GrinBio in greenhouses

By admin February 10, 2025

GrinBio Organic Fertilizers – The Perfect Solution for Greenhouses

Greenhouse agriculture is an intensive growing system that requires high productivity, plant protection from diseases, and soil quality control. However, greenhouses often face problems with substrate depletion, accumulation of toxic compounds, and disease outbreaks, which reduces yields and increases farmers’ costs.

Using organic fertilizers GrinBio allows to increase the yield, strengthen plants and restore the soil, providing environmentally friendly and safe products.

The main problems of greenhouse farming and how GrinBio solves them

1. Soil depletion and degradation

In the closed environment of greenhouses, the soil is subject to intensive exploitation – the application of chemical fertilizers and frequent plantings destroy the soil structure, reduce the amount of humic substances and beneficial microorganisms.

GrinBio Solution:
Humate Power 5+ is a complex fertilizer based on humic and fulvic acids, trichoderma and beneficial microorganisms, restores the biological activity of the soil.
Peat Extract Power is a fertilizer based on peat, rich in nitrogen, potassium and beneficial bacteria, improves soil structure and aeration.
Vermi Humate Extract is a concentrate from vermicompost, saturated with microorganisms, stimulates soil-forming processes and loosens the soil.

🔹 Result: the soil becomes structured, retains moisture and nutrients, decomposition of organic matter and restoration of the fertile layer accelerates.

2. Plant diseases and fungal infections

The greenhouse microclimate (high humidity and temperature) creates ideal conditions for the development of phytopathogens – fungal and bacterial infections, such as:

    • Fusarium (a fungal infection that causes root rot).

    • Late blight (infection of leaves and fruits of tomatoes and peppers).

    • Bacterial cancer (development of tumors on stems).

GrinBio Solution:
Humate Power 5+ contains Trichoderma harzianum – a beneficial fungus that suppresses pathogens, decomposes dead roots and prevents the development of infections.
Leonardite Extract Ultra – a fertilizer rich in humic acids strengthens the root system, activates the defense mechanisms of plants.

🔹 Result: plant resistance to diseases increases, the risk of infection decreases without the use of aggressive chemicals.

3. Accumulation of toxins and soil salinization

Frequent use of mineral fertilizers leads to soil salinization, which impairs the absorption of water and nutrients by plants.

GrinBio Solution:
Peat Extract Power and Leonardite Extract Ultra contain humates, which bind heavy metals and toxic compounds, improving soil balance.
Humate Power 5+ helps remove chemical residues, breaking them down into safe compounds.

🔹 Result: the soil is cleaned, its buffering properties are restored, the efficiency of water and fertilizer use increases.

4. Insufficient nutrition and weak root system

In closed greenhouse systems, plants do not receive the necessary elements – especially microelements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo, B).

GrinBio Solution:
Chicken Humate Extract is a fertilizer based on chicken manure, saturated with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, accelerates plant growth and strengthens the root system.
Leonardite Extract Humic & Fulvic is a concentrate of humic and fulvic acids increases the availability of trace elements and enhances photosynthesis.
Vermi Humate Extract – a complex of live microorganisms that improves metabolism and development of root hairs.

🔹 Result: increases absorption of nutrients, forms a developed and stable root system, accelerates growth and fruiting.

5. Foliar treatment (foliar feeding)

Foliar treatments in greenhouses accelerate plant nutrition, especially under stressful conditions.

The best GrinBio fertilizers for foliar application:
Humate Power 5+universal fertilizer for growth stimulation, suitable for all crops.
Leonardite Extract Ultrahumate-based biostimulant, increases resistance to drought and diseases.
Trichoderma Bio Protection – organic fungicide based on Trichoderma, protects plants from fungal infections.

🔹 Result: plants receive fast nutrition, become more resistant to stress, photosynthesis improves and growth accelerates.

Conclusion: Why is GrinBio better than traditional fertilizers?

ParameterMineral fertilizersGrinBio organic fertilizers
Environmentally friendlyPollutes the soil, causes salinizationCompletely natural, restores the soil
EfficiencyHigh, but short-termLong-term action, improves soil structure
Protection from diseasesDo not protect, fungicides are requiredContains Trichoderma and beneficial bacteria
Availability of nutrientsOften bind into indigestible formsHumates chelate microelements for better absorption
Effect on rootsRoots can be inhibited by salinityStimulate the growth of a powerful root system
ApplicationOnly under the rootUnder the root and on the leaf
CostHigh, due to frequent applicationCheaper in the long run perspective

🔹 Conclusion: GrinBio fertilizers are a completely organic solution for greenhouse farming that increases crop yields, protects plants from diseases and improves soil structure. It is the ideal choice for sustainable agriculture and maximizing profits without harming the environment.

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