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Protecting and restoring kiwi plantations with GrinBio fertilizers

By admin February 10, 2025

The Moria di Kiwi Problem and Its Impact on Agriculture

The Morìa disease is a systemic disease of the kiwi root system, causing rapid wilting, yellowing of leaves, weakening of roots and death of plants. It spreads through the soil and its main causes are soil degradation, lack of humic substances, lack of beneficial microorganisms and infection with pathogenic microflora.

According to the latest data, the disease has spread throughout Italy, France and other European countries, causing enormous damage to agriculture. Some regions have already lost up to 50-70% of crops.

How do GrinBio fertilizers help fight disease?

GrinBio Humate Power 5+ and our other organic biopreparations contain a complex of humic and fulvic acids, trichoderma and useful soil bacteria. These components restore the soil structure, protect roots from diseases, stimulate growth and increase plant resistance.

1. Beneficial microorganisms in GrinBio fertilizers

Our fertilizers contain similar microorganisms as in EM-Baikal, but in even greater concentrations.

Azotobacter – fixes atmospheric nitrogen, converting it into a form available for plants.
Bacillus subtilis – suppresses the development of pathogenic flora and protects plants from fungal and bacterial diseases.
Lactobacillus – promotes the decomposition of organic matter and improves plant nutrition.
Pseudomonas fluorescens – decomposes organic compounds, improves soil structure and promotes root system growth.
Trichoderma harzianum – suppresses the development of fungal diseases, including root rot, promotes the decomposition of plant residues and loosens the soil.

2. Improved root system and plant nutrition

    • Humic acids stimulate the development of a powerful root system, increasing its absorption capacity.

    • Improved nutrition due to decomposition of organic matter and release of microelements (Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, B, Mo).

    • Humic acids chelate minerals, making them easily accessible to roots.

3. Soil restoration and degradation prevention

    • Our fertilizers increase the content of humic substances in the soil, preventing erosion and depletion of land.

    • Improve soil structure, increase cation exchange capacity (CEC)and reduce salinity.

    • They promote the accumulation of beneficial soil microorganisms and suppress the development of pathogenic flora.

4. Soil aeration and oxygen access

    • Improved soil structure allows roots to more easily obtain oxygen, which prevents rotting.

    • Organic components and microorganisms loosen the soil, providing circulation air.

5. Decomposition of toxins and binding of heavy metals

    • GrinBio fertilizers neutralize toxic substances in the soil, including pesticides and heavy metals.

    • Prevent the accumulation of harmful compounds in fruits.

Why is GrinBio the perfect solution for vineyards and kiwi plantations?

Completely organic fertilizer – does not contain chemicals, safe for plants and soil.
Humic and fulvic acids stimulate growth and increase plant immunity.
Trichoderma and other microorganisms protect against diseases and improve soil microflora.
Increases crop yields, improves fruit quality and extends the life cycle of plants.
Improves moisture retention, which is especially important in arid regions.

Using GrinBio Humate Power 5+ and our other fertilizers, farmers can protect their crops from diseases, improve soil structure and significantly increase crop yields!

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