Home Humates and soil healthWhat is Leonardite?

What is Leonardite?

By admin February 10, 2025

Natural treasure for agriculture

GrinBio Leonardite Humate Extract Ultra

Leonardite is a unique organic substance that is the fossilized remains of ancient plants that have undergone a natural humification process. Unlike young peat or sapropel, leonardite has a higher degree of humification and contains a large amount of humic and fulvic acids – valuable biologically active substances that play a key role in soil fertility.

  1. Humic substances

Humic substances are formed as a result of the chemical and biological humification of plant and animal matter, as well as as a result of the biological activity of microorganisms.

The best source of humic acids are sedimentary layers of soft brown coal, which are called leonardite. Humic acids are found here in high concentrations.

Scientific research into humic acid and its beneficial properties has a long tradition in Germany, which began with the work of the chemist Franz Karl Achard (1753-1821). The commercial use of brown coal containing humic acid, such as the dye called “Cologne brown” from the lignite mining area of ​​Cologne and “Kassler brown”, dates back to the 19th century in Germany. During the last century, the use of humic acid has been established in the agricultural, medical and environmental sectors.

Characteristics and properties of leonardite:

  • Appearance: Leonardite is a loose, porous mass from dark brown to black in color.
  • Composition: Leonardite is based on humic substances (up to 80%), as well as macro- and microelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, etc.).
  • Properties:
  • High moisture capacity: Leonardite is able to absorb and retain large amounts of water, which is especially important for arid regions.
  • Ion exchange capacity: Leonardite is able to bind and retain nutrients, preventing them from being washed out of the soil, and gradually releasing them to plants.
  • Stimulation of plant growth: Humic and fulvic acids contained in leonardite stimulate the growth of the root system, increase seed germination and plant resistance to stress.
  • Improvement of soil structure: Leonardite helps improve the structure of the soil, increasing its aeration, moisture permeability and looseness.
  • Soil detoxification: Leonardite is able to bind heavy metals and other toxic substances, reducing their negative impact on plants and the environment.

The importance of leonardite for agriculture:

Leonardite is a valuable organic fertilizer that is widely used in agriculture for:

  • Increasing soil fertility: Leonardite enriches the soil with humus, improves its structure and increases the availability of nutrients for plants.
  • Increased yield: Thanks to the stimulating effect of humic and fulvic acids, leonardite helps to increase the yield of agricultural crops.
  • Improved product quality: Leonardite helps to accumulate vitamins, sugars and other useful substances in plants, improving the quality of agricultural products.
  • Reduced costs of mineral fertilizers: Leonardite increases the efficiency of using mineral fertilizers, which allows to reduce their dosage and, accordingly, costs.
  • Ecological farming: Leonardite is an environmentally friendly product that helps to restore and maintain soil fertility.

Humic and fulvic acids:

Humic acids and their sources

Humic substances can be found in all soils and waters, and they arise from the decomposition products of plants. They are separated by extraction into humin, humic acid and fulvic acid. Their salts are called humates and fulvates. As a major fraction, humic acid forms the biological center of humus. Fertile soil contains a maximum of 3%, and peat about 3-10% humic acid. In a certain layer of soft brown coal, which has not yet reached the lignite stage, humic acid can be found in concentrations of up to 85%. This soft brown coal is internationally called leonardite. Leonardite differs from soft brown coal in its higher oxidation state and higher humic acid content. Since the discovery of the high humic acid content in leonardite, their commercial production for agriculture has increased dramatically.

Humic acids are high-molecular organic compounds that play an important role in the formation of soil fertility. They improve soil structure, stimulate plant growth and increase their resistance to stress.

Fulvic acids are low-molecular organic compounds that are easily absorbed by plants. They facilitate the transport of nutrients, stimulate root growth and enhance plant immunity.

Leonardite is a rich source of both humic and fulvic acids, making it particularly valuable for agriculture.

Leonardite acts as a soil conditioner and as a biocatalyst and biostimulant for plants.

Compared to other organic products, leonardite particularly enhances plant growth (biomass production) and soil fertility.

Another advantage of leonardite is its long-term effectiveness, as it is consumed as quickly as manure, compost or peat. Since leonardite is a decomposition product, it does not compete with plants for nutrients such as nitrogen. This does not apply to incompletely decomposed compost, in which the organic matter in the soil is quickly consumed by microorganisms and mineralized without the formation of humus.

Our leonardite-based products improve the soil structure for up to five years.

GrinBio: Leonardite-based fertilizers

GrinBio specializes in the production of high-quality organic fertilizers based on leonardite. Our fertilizers:

  • Efficient: Increase crop yields and improve the quality of agricultural products.
  • Eco-friendly: Safe for the environment and help restore soil fertility.
  • Easy to use: Available in liquid form for easy use.

GrinBio is your reliable partner in creating sustainable and productive agriculture!


Modern scientific research shows that soil fertility is largely determined by the content of humic acids. Their high cation exchange capacity (CEC), oxygen content, as well as above-average water-holding capacity are the reasons for the high value of using humic acids to improve soil fertility and plant growth.
The most important feature of humic acids is their ability to bind insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydroxides and slowly and continuously release them to plants as needed. Due to these properties, humic acids are known to produce three types of effects: physical, chemical and biological.

2.1. Physical benefits:

Humic acids physically change the structure of the soil. They

  • improve the structure of the soil: prevent high losses of water and nutrients in light, sandy soils. At the same time, transform them into fertile soils through decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, soil aeration and water retention are improved; cultivation activities are facilitated.
  • prevent soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing the binding capacity of colloids.
  • help the soil to loosen and crumble, thereby increasing soil aeration and its workability.
  • increase the water-holding capacity of the soil and thus help resist drought.
  • darken the color of the soil and thus help absorb solar energy.

2.2. Chemical benefits:

Humic acids chemically change the fixing properties of the soil. They

  • neutralize both acidic and alkaline soils; regulate the pH value of soils.
  • improve and optimize the absorption of nutrients and water by plants.
  • increase the buffering properties of the soil.
  • act as a natural chelator of metal ions in alkaline conditions and promote their absorption by roots.
  • rich in organic and mineral substances necessary for plant growth.
  • retain water-soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zone and reduce their leaching.
  • have an extremely high cation exchange capacity.
  • promote the conversion of nutrients (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other microelements)
  • into forms available to plants.
  • improve the absorption of nitrogen by plants.
  • reduce the reaction of phosphorus with (Ca, Fe, Mg and Al) and release it into a form available and useful for plants. The productivity of especially mineral fertilizers increases significantly.
  • release carbon dioxide from the calcium carbonate of the soil and ensure its use in photosynthesis.
  • help eliminate chlorosis caused by iron deficiency in plants.
  • reduce the content of toxic substances in the soil.

2.3 Biological benefits:

Humic acids biologically stimulate plants and microorganisms. They

  • stimulate plant enzymes and increase their production.
  • act as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.
  • stimulate the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
  • increase the natural resistance of plants to diseases and pests.
  • Stimulates root growth, especially vertical ones, and ensures better absorption of nutrients. Increases root respiration and root formation.
  • promote the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and support photosynthesis. Increase the content of vitamins and minerals in plants.
  • thicken the cell walls of fruits and extend shelf life and shelf life.
  • increase seed germination and viability.
  • stimulate plant growth (increase in biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the rate of formation of root systems, which leads to an increase in the yield of dry matter.
  • improve the quality of the crop, its appearance and nutritional value.


Leonardite is a unique natural resource that has great potential for increasing soil fertility and agricultural sustainability. Leonardite-based fertilizers, such as GrinBio products, are an effective and environmentally friendly solution for modern farmers.


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